Brother Andrew

May 1, 2024

Faith in Action

Fearless by faith--it's a great promise. But just what is faith? What does faith look like? Brother Andrew and I spent a lot of time examining Hebrews 11 which defines faith and also provides us with many examples of powerful faith.
May 23, 2023

Fearless in the Arena of Conflict?

Sometimes I feel so helpless when I look at our culture. What can I do? My friend Brother Andrew asked that question of God many times. And God gave him specific instructions about what to do. As a result, as Andrew often said, “I did what I couldn’t!”                 But wasn’t Brother Andrew special? No, he insisted he was an ordinary Dutchman. Anyone could do what he did if they personally knew his amazing God.                 Inspiration for this way of life came from various Bible characters. One of his favorite was Elijah (see 1 Kings 17-19). The following introduces Elijah’s cultural context. It sound a lot like the arena of conflict we face today.
May 9, 2023

You Should Be Afraid When You Are in the Wrong Place at the Wrong Time

This coming Summer Chosen Books (A Division of Baker Publishing Group) will publish Fearless by Faith, a 60-day devotional by Brother Andrew and me designed to help us fight today’s spiritual battles. The following devotion was originally intended to be the opening of the book but didn't make the cut. It sets up the confrontation of David against the Philistine giant Goliath and provides insight into some of the reasons why we face so many spiritual battles today. Be sure to view Brother Andrew's definition of Fear at the conclusion of this devotion.
April 11, 2023

Learn to Fear Less

Brother Andrew was a warrior, eager to rush in where others feared to go. When the Soviet Union invaded Czechoslovakia in 1968, he loaded his station wagon with Bibles and drove 550 miles from his home in the Netherlands. As he pulled up to the Czech border a long line of cars was departing the country. A shocked customs official stamped his passport and waved him through the gate. In Prague he armed Christians with Russian Bibles and told them to go into the streets, climb on the tanks, tell the invaders that God loves them and hand them God’s Word.